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Ravi Chari

Ravi Chari was born and raised in India; he is an engineer by profession. Ravi’s dad, T.V.T. Chari, comes from an orthodox Hindu Brahmin family, his mother was a traditional Christian. Ravi grew in this environment until one day his dad found love and salvation in Jesus Christ and his whole family began to follow the Lord Jesus. From his very young age Ravi loved to serve God. He has been instrumental in preaching the gospel of the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. His teaching and prayers have brought peace and joy in the lives of many around the world. Though Ravi is busy in his profession, he still serves the Lord by leading worship and teaching the word of God.

In 1982 while in India, during prayer, Ravi had a vision of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus blessed him with spiritual gifts and called Ravi to serve Him.
Marelyn serves the Lord in the ministry of personal prayer, women’s ministry and oversees the children’s ministry. Ravi & Marelyn were trained and certified at the Jesus Calls Institute of Evangelism under the well known and respected apostle from India, Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran founder of Jesus Calls and the Karunya University. Ravi and his wife Marelyn serve the Lord with all their heart. They are blessed with three sweet children Zoe Karuna, Evangeline Mahima and Yohan Arpith.

Ravi Chari's Testimony

Sardar Masih

Sardar Masih was born and raised in Pakistan. He comes from a Roman Catholic background. He came to know the Lord and God marvelously filled him with His Spirit. Sardar started serving the Lord even as he served in a secular job in the Middle East. Today Sardar serves in the ministry of prayer and pastoral support in Calvary Bible Church. Pastor Sardar and his dear wife Ashgar minister to the Lord’s people through prayer and intercession. The Lord also uses Pastor Sardar in the area of praying for healing and health. Through his prayers many have found the healing from God in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Yohan Chari

Marelyn Chari

Shahzad Sarkar

Arif Bhatii